Friday, November 10, 2006

Japanese Anime

My friend sent me this link and for all you Anime lovers or satirist, this is for you!

YouTube video: A tribute to Anime Japanese culture

Thought you would enjoy it. Manga/Anime is everywhere. On the train, you can find many men (in suits) reading anime. There are tons of shops dedicated to little figurines, entire Manga collections, and games to this fantasy world.

I'm trying to find an Anime series I can get into so I can be more Japanese. So far, I've really liked Miyazake's "Spirited Away."

Any suggestions?


Felix said...

check out all of miyazake's work. besides spirited away, princess mononoke is also very very good. A lot of people liked his Grave of the Fireflies...but I thought it was just average. By the way...I'm soon switching to blogger! As for series, I wouldn't really know.

wangerz said...

I like Bleach and Naruto, although I haven't seen them in awhile. Naruto's good in the beginning, but it starts to get boring after 150 episodes. Bleach, I've only gotten as far as 40 something episodes.

Unknown said...

Death Note is very good as well. I also like One Piece, the beginning is pretty boring after 10+ episodes it's good.