Japanese fire drill
Today, we had an unexpected fire drill. I noticed an interesting difference between fire drills in Japan and one back in Philadelphia. When I was in Philly, when the fire alarm went off, everyone just sat at their desk, trying to ignore the annoying high pitched siren, and just suffering with a sign and people rolling their eyes giving the look, "When is this going to end?"
In Japan, we had a much pleasanter announcer giving us instructions over the PA system. In addition, I started to see people put on their helmets. My manager put his on but stayed a bit to finish up some work. I had to snap a photo of him at work with his helmet. Oh, and he has a yellow one because he's supposed to be a fire marshal.
Afterwards, we all went downstairs to listen to the fire chief tell us how wonderful we did. If you were anything like me, I was a little bit confused as to why we had to wear helmets during a fire drill. I later found out too that the helmets were for earthquakes in case of falling debris.
I enjoyed the nice break in the middle of my work day.
Heh... too funny. We haven't had our fire drill at work yet, but I did get to experience an evacuation with them... there was an electrical fire in the wall of the house we stayed in for our retreat. Didn't have those helmets thought.
you want to have one of our helmets, eh?
Our fire marshall's get rinky-dink red trucker hats...but I guess helmets wouldn't make much sense in NY either, huh?
I think we'd be wearing those helmets all the time in Philly. Just to confuse people. :)
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